Golang REST App Demo

Project Description

A simple REST application using Golang that I created as a practice exercise.

Project Readme

Readme content imported from GitHub


This repository is modeled loosely after a practice exercise I came across. As a Node.js developer, I did the task in Node, but I would like to learn Golang. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to leverage my REST experience so that I could learn Golang.

The task is to do the following:

  1. [x] An endpoint where users can leave feedback for a specific game session
    1. [x] A user can only submit one review per game session
    2. [x] User MUST leave a rating of 1-5 if providing feedback
    3. [x] User MAY add a comment when providing feedback
    4. [x] Multiple players can rate the same session
  2. [x] Folloing RESTful principles, create HTTP endpoints to allow:
    1. [x] Players to add feedback for a session
    2. [x] Ops team members to see recent feedback left by players
    3. [x] Allow filtering by rating
  3. [x] Include a README that includes at least the following:
    1. [x] API Documentation
    2. [x] Instructions for launching and testing your API locally (if not the built-in scripts)
  4. [ ] Bonus items
    1. [ ] A simple front-end
    2. [ ] Tests
    3. [ ] Deployment scripts/tools
    4. [ ] Authentication
    5. [ ] User permissions


Starting the service locally

  1. Run make all
  2. Run make run
  3. Begin testing

Schema changes

Whenever you have a schema change (e.g., whenever you add/remove, or otherwise update gorm models), you will likely run into issues when starting the service. This is most-likely a result of the schema no longer matching that of the one that exists within the test.db file.

The fastest way around this is to simply delete the test.db file and re-run make run, which will generate a new test.db file with the new schema. At this point, the project should build successfully.

API Documentation

Creating test resources

  • User
    • Send POST to /users/create
    • Does not require a post-body
  • Session
    • Send POST to /sessions/create
  • SessionFeedback
    • Send POST to /sessions/feedback/create
    • Pass the following parameters in the POST body:
      • sessionId: the UUID of the Session being reviewed
      • userId: the UUID of the user posting the feedback
      • rating: the rating for the Session (1-5)
      • (optional) comment: Optional comment for the feedback

Querying resources

  • Get all users
    • Send GET to /users
  • Get Sessions
    • Send GET to /sessions
  • Get Session feedback
    • Send GET to /sessions/feedback
    • To get all feedback for a given session, send GET to /sessions/feedback?sessionId=<SESSION_ID>
    • To get all feedback with a given rating, send GET to /sessions/feedback?rating=<RATING>
    • To get all feedback for a given session with a given rating, send GET to /sessions/feedback?sessionId=<SESSION_ID>&rating=<RATING>